
Make the Cut Series: The Digital Imperative

Watch Highlights from The Digital Imperative for Default

There’s a difference between using digital channels and facilitating digital relationships. Regardless of where your digital capabilities are today, accelerating progress and maturing your ability to provide dynamic digital customer engagement isn’t a nice-to-have, it is a business IMPERATIVE. 

At CBA LIVE, we facilitated discussion about rapid digital capability progression and covered the do’s and don’ts, and the reality behind successful digital projects.

Watch the highlights below or at this link in a 4-minute video that answers the following questions:

  1. Why is digital so important now?
  2. What top two battles are we facing when it comes to digital engagement?
  3. How do I quickly implement digital into my organization?
  4. How much of my team will be dedicated to my digital project?
  5. I’m building a business case for digital with a view at my current environment; where do I find the hard numbers to support that?


[Editor’s note: Michael Orefice, featured in this video, is a former IT Director at Bridgeforce]

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