
Vendor Selection 3-Part Webinar Series

Part 1: Start Your Collections Tech Search the Right Way


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This Webinar Covered:

  • Steps to assess your organization’s digital readiness
  • 12 critical risk factors when considering a build vs. buy decision
  • The top 3 criteria for selecting the right provider solution

Access this webinar’s slide deck to help you get started:


Part 2: Finding Your Fit When Selecting Collections Tech


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This Webinar Covered:

  • Top considerations to make before requirement building
  • Best approach to managing needs from operations and IT
  • Tips and tricks that put you in the driver’s seat for vendor demos
  • A proven scoring methodology resulting in a fair, measured selection

Access this webinar’s slide deck to help you get started:


Part 3: Collections Tech Implementation 101


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This Webinar Covered:

  • Tangible project management strategies to set up implementation the right way
  • 10 blind spots that can waste time and increase cost
  • Examples from our experts on how they’ve helped clients overcome the blind spots

Access this webinar’s slide deck to help you get started:

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ASK Shawn Murray ,