Press Releases

New PCI-Certified Cloud Offering for DQS

Bridgeforce Data Quality Solutions Announces New PCI-Certified Cloud Offering with Full Automation Capabilities via API

The Bridgeforce® Data Quality Scanner® Solution (DQS), the industry-leading automated solution for reducing disputes and credit reporting compliance risk, is now available in the new version of Bridgeforce Data Quality Solutions’ cloud environment.

Bridgeforce Data Quality Solutions, an organization that delivers enterprise-wide data quality products and services, has announced the second generation of its PCI-Certified cloud environment.

Licensees can now access the Data Quality Scanner (DQS) tool in an updated environment with an improved client experience and new capabilities that enable greater efficiency. The cloud-based solution allows furnishers to shift to Bridgeforce the time-consuming and resource-rich burdens of server setup and configuration, environment resource management, and managing product upgrades. The cloud-based solution streamlines the furnisher’s ability to find and address credit reporting discrepancies to reduce compliance risk and reduce disputes. To best support all clients, on-premise installations will continue to be supported.

In addition of streamlining the user experience, the new cloud environment offers an API option for full automation and integration with client systems.

“I’m excited to have launched our new environment” said Matt Scarborough, CEO.

“It provides simultaneous enhancement of the user experience and information security and enables clients to leverage our new API to maximize automation and integration. It also provides a foundation for further enhancements that we will announce later this year.”— MATT SCARBOROUGH, CEO


DQS Improves Credit Reporting Accuracy While Reducing Disputes

The DQS quickly and accurately assesses Metro 2® compliance across multiple systems of record, whether pre- or post-submission to Credit Reporting Agencies. DQS couples 300+ risk-ranked rules to proactively identify discrepancies at the account level with clear, easy-to-use tools that mitigate compliance risk, and has been proven to reduce disputes and associated operational costs.


About the Bridgeforce® Data Quality Scanner® Solution
The Bridgeforce® Data Quality Scanner (DQS) Solution is the only independent tool in the industry tailored specifically to help data furnishers achieve enterprise-wide accuracy and compliance with Metro 2®. We are proud to offer white-glove implementation and full-service consulting support as well as month-over-month tracking. Our goal is to ensure a seamless integration with ongoing support, so your enterprise has the confidence to grow and succeed across the board. Compliance audits will be simplified, customer disputes should be lessened, and the once-tedious process of auditing files has been pared down to a single-source-of-truth report.

For more information or a demo of the DQS solution, contact us today.


The Metro 2® Format and the Credit Reporting Resource Guide® (CRRG®) are owned by the Consumer Data Industry Association® (CDIA®), Bridgeforce Data Quality Solutions, LLC is an independent entity that is not affiliated with CDIA® and CDIA® is not responsible for the content of the information contained herein.

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