FCRA Compliance Services That Boost Accuracy & Efficiency
Unlock New Efficiency While Meeting FCRA and Metro 2® Requirements
Speed and accuracy are on the line. Lenders must furnish accurate consumer reporting data. As a lender you critically rely on the accuracy of consumer reporting information to make quality and timely decisions. Bridgeforce can help your organization accelerate data accuracy, build efficiency, and maintain FCRA compliance requirements.

Improve Data Accuracy and Quality
Want to ensure accuracy in your credit reporting data? We’ll help you streamline the Metro 2® furnishing process while focusing on accuracy to cut down on your disputes, ensure compliance, and enhance operational efficiency. Our assessments and software solutions ensure your data is reliable and fully prepared for both internal audits and regulatory reviews.
1. Metro 2® Data Mapping & Conversion Documentation
2. Metro 2® Use Cases
3. SOFTWARE: Bridgeforce Data Quality Scanner® (DQS) Solution
4. Metro 2® Furnishing File Quality Review
Assess Risk & Compliance Capabilities
We’ll help you identify key risks and inconsistencies within your furnishing and disputes processes. We’ll also prepare you for regulatory exams and develop FCRA-compliant policies and procedures. Rest assured that post our engagement, your Metro 2® furnishing and dispute handling will meet the highest standards.
5. Consumer Reporting & Disputes Risk Assessment
6. Policy & Procedure Development
7. Regulatory Support for Enforcement Scrutiny
Train and Prepare your Workforce
Empower your workforce with the right tools and knowledge to efficiently do their jobs. Our comprehensive training programs teach agents how to create accurate credit reporting files and understand specialized Metro 2® criteria. And Case Central® gives you the tools to process disputes efficiently.
8. Metro 2® Training
9. SOFTWARE: Case Central® Implementation and Training

Each solution is packaged with decades of credit reporting experience and best practices for an efficient compliance boost. For 24 years, Bridgeforce has provided evidence-based compliance solutions to help lenders improve accuracy and meet regulatory expectations.
The Case for Centralized Credit Furnishing
If you don’t have a Center of Excellence for credit data furnishing, here’s how to know what steps to take to get started and what “excellence” looks like. READ
How Accurate is Your Metro 2® Furnishing? (Do You Even Know?)
The CFPB expects that you, as furnishers, have written documentation to explain how you’ve populated Metro 2® fields from your systems of record. Our tested data mapping and conversion documentation approach addresses that expectation and provides a useful foundation for managing the accuracy of Metro 2® file production. READ
Top 30 Bank is Confident in New Consumer Reporting Disputes Practices
Bridgeforce helped a major bank dive deep into their internal credit reporting process. Our investigation and recommended improvements gave the bank the confidence in their end-to-end consumer reporting and disputes operations. READ