Case Central™ for Dispute Management
A single ecosystem to handle 100% of your credit dispute needs.
Case CentralTM for Dispute Management is a full-service, cloud-based case management solution. Powered by PMG and refined for bankers by Bridgeforce, Case CentralTM provides a centralized place to resolve direct and indirect disputes fast.
Sleep better at night knowing that Case CentralTM has tracked every reasonable investigation action and all the data to support the dispute outcome. Generate a complete case log upon request for any regulatory inquiries.
Every dispute analyst regardless of tenure can perform reasonable investigation with the policy and procedural requirements configured by dispute type and associated case details.
Case CentralTM’s efficiency journeys bring reasonable investigation data into the case so your analysts spend their time on the dispute outcome – not on gathering information spread across your technology landscape.
Every dispute brings some inherent regulatory risk. Case CentralTM can reduce these risks and ensure every dispute action can be evidenced. The data supporting the dispute outcome is available; protecting you from potential costly dispute infractions.
On top of that, it is common to see your dispute operations manage direct and indirect disputes in different ways. Case CentralTM enables consistent policy and procedure treatments regardless of the input source.
Case CentralTM’s efficiency journeys minimize swivel-seat and “copy and paste” manual actions and brings the information your disputes analysts need for reasonable investigation.
Case CentralTM is your single ecosystem to help manage all your disputes and maintain the highest levels of regulatory risk mitigation, consistency, and efficiency.